Self Guided Walking Tours

Take the self guided Holmesburg tour here!

Take the self guided Tacony tour here!

Take the self guided Frankford tour here!

The King's Highway Trust Foundation is proud to present the official tours of the King's Highway a.k.a. Frankford Avenue! These self guided tours take you down the highway using GPS markers and telling you historical facts about all of the locations along the highway along with pictures to go with the stories. If you have seen the Award Winning Documentary Film "The King's Highway" on WHYY or Amazon Video, then you'll want to see everything in person!

Get a Free Tour Map!

If you purchase a copy of our four disc box set DVD of The King's Highway documentary, or Tshirt (or both), you'll get a free copy of our tour map that lists almost 60 locations that you can visit!

Go to our shop here!